Genesiz C

Apr 28, 20213 min

Depression and Chronic Illness

(*warning depression and illness talk.)

(shadowy figure with hands pressed against fogged out glass.)

Hello Lovies!

Today, let's talk about DEPRESSION! Yes, I know, no one really wants to talk about this MONSTER... How it comes into your life and completely ravages it, turning it upside down and seems like it's moving in to stay to haunt and torture you forever. But if we don't address it, it will just go away, right? Slither back into whatever dark hole it crept out of? Right? WRONG!! That is the whole problem! No one ever wants to address DEPRESSION, there is so much stigma around it that people ignore it or try to cope with it in various unhealthy ways. Believe it or not, there is a much higher increase in depression in people with chronic illness 25-33% higher risk. For people with chronic illness, depression is *cyclical with their disease. If the illness causes pain, or if you isolate due to sed illness or become disabled because of it, then the ugly depression monster is more likely to rear its ugly head putting you at higher risk, and so the cycle continues.

People often don't realize that depression is a hard symptom of a life-changing illness and that they usually go hand in hand as you morn the life you once had. Things have to be altered in your life now and you have to learn to adapt, that is usually a hard pill to swallow for most. [Pun intended]

Did you know that while taking medicine for your chronic illness, it can actually induce depression where there wasn't any before! Yes! There is a thing known as medication-induced depression! (also drug and alcohol induced mood disorder.) But once you try to get help with your depression, you usually get *gaslit.

And you are made to feel like it's all in your head and you're sick because you are depressed when usually the case is reversed! So because of this many people give up on finding help from doctors and try their hand at self-coping and usually make things worse. And this all happens because the underlying problem that started it all is never addressed.

Your depression is often because you feel resentment, guilt, sadness, pain, fatigue, and lack of motivation from the loss of ability to do things due to illness. But you need to try to find healthy coping habits, like developing a self-care routine, change in diet, join a community (maybe on FB) of people with similar issues, get enough rest, exercise, and remember to speak to a medical professional! etc. None of these are a "cure" and I'm not a doctor, but I am a fellow spoonie who happens to also battle depression and I know these things sound easier said than done but we have to try, and we have to stick together!

REMEMBER, if you feel you are in crisis or knows someone who is, STOP! GET SOME HELP! But also know that this is a safe space, so feel free to kick your shoes off and stay awhile. 💕😊

*Cyclical: occurring in cycles; recurrent.

*Gaslight: manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

National helplines:

1-800-662-HELP (4357)-(substance abuse mental health services administration )

1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)-(hope line prevention)

1-800-273-8255-(suicide prevention line)

National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-800-448-4663

**Deaf Hotlines:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

TTY: 1-800-799-4889

crisis textline:

Text HELLO to 741741 for free and confidential support 24 hours a day throughout the U.S.

_Stay Lovely_
